Last updated :  16-11-2024  |  Update Directors Now

Directors Overview

EXPERION INFOSYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED as on date has 2 directors having active directorship and 0 signatories. Directors of EXPERION INFOSYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED are TOM THOMAS, SANTOSHKUMAR GOPINATHAN, .

There were no directors associated with the company who have resigned or holding past directorship.

The company is run by experienced team of directors whose average age is 50.58 years. EXPERION INFOSYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED is handled by all male members director team.

There are no directors in this company who are 'Disqualified by ROC u/s 164(2)' or 'DIN is deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC form', as everyone filed their KYC promptly.

There are no foreign directors associated with the company, all active directors' nationality is India.

The directors in this company holds a count of 0 directorships in companies, other than EXPERION INFOSYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED.

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Signatories Detail

Signatory NameDesignationAppointment DateIs KMP
The company does not have any active signatories.

Potential Related Parties

Company NameCompany StatusCompany AgeStateCommon Directors
The company does not have any potential related parties.
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